Monday, 8 May 2017

Tribute from Rachel, Robert & Cindy

On a rigolé!
On s'est régalé! 
On s'est baigné dans La Musique

Le souvenir de merveilleux moments partagés ensemble...

Adieu 'mon lapin' bien aimé 
Je ne t'oublierai jamais!

Repose-toi maintenant... 

ta vieille amie  

Xx Rachel xX

Hello Ross,

with love and fond memories from Robert and all who were touched by David's warmth, caring nature, spontaneity, irreverent wit and no - holds- barred views on how life should be.
Big hole left in his absence. I will really miss him.
I am really at a loss at the moment for words about David, but would prefer - by way of honoring David's memory - to send you the photos from our several get togethers, for you to post on your Blog, with love and fond memories from all who were touched by his warmth, caring nature, spontaneity, irreverent wit and no - holds- barred views on how life should be.
Big hole left in his absence. I will really miss him.


Hello Ross,
I’m so sad to hear of David’s passing. I have many fond memories of him tuning our pianos at De La Salle College. He was a true expert in his field and was always so generous with his time. He worked with precision and was wonderful at his work.  I recommended him to so many others. We had many a conversation about music.

I have followed your blog since David sold the business and while I’m very distant compared to so many, I have quietly witnessed your journey. The loss of a partner is unbearable and the ravages of MND as you say are so unkind. May you walk gently through this time and may David be at rest, knowing he was loved.

Warm regards,
Cindy Frost

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