Ross enjoyed Paris--he had never been and so I am glad to have gone with him. Whilst there were some nice moments, the difficulty with speaking was always at the forefront of my mind. I certainly would not have gone there with my illness had I been single.
Une dernière chose sur Paris. On pensait que les Anglais fumaient beaucoup, mais les Français battent tous les records!!! Où qu'on regarde on voit fumer des jeunes--garçons et filles...pas que des vieux. Apparamment, les Français ne savent pas encore que fumer nuit à la santé.
One last thing about Paris. Thought the English smoked a lot, but the French break all the records.
Wherever you look you see young people smoking...not just old people. Apparently, they don't yet know that smoking is bad for your health.
We returned to London on the Eurostar and I (David) was relieved.
I (Ross) thoroughly enjoyed Paris...I went with no real expectations so I was most pleased with what we experienced. I particularly enjoyed the concert with Andreas Scholl, and I was most impressed with the speed and efficiency of the Metro.
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