Monday, 23 September 2013

Sept 22 Hillside farm, Brooke

 Today we travelled from from Mumford to our next destination, a place called Brooke (a few miles south of Norwich) via the  Pensthorpe Water gardens. These gardens have been created on the site of a disused gravel pit. Absolutely marvellous (over 500 acres) ! Lots of ponds and streams with heaps and heaps of water birds...all sorts of ducks and geese. The weather was absolutely superb which made for a really enjoyable day.

Arrived at Brooke about 7 miles (yes they're still in miles here) south of Norwich. The place we have booked is an old farm house built in 1570. Charming beyond something from "escape to the Country". 

The bedroom is truly unique, there's a beam like a railway sleeper under one end of the bed to make the bed level as the floor slopes so much!!!!  This beam must be at least 150-200mm high.  Actually the slope in the bedroom makes me (David) a bit dizzy.  It's charming for a day or two, but I'll be very very happy to get home to our level floors.  Ross was moving a tray with a full teapot the other day and miscalculated he height of the beam under which he had to stoop (due to the rising floor) and the tea went everywhere.  I think that much slope is actually uncomfortable.

The bathroom reminds me of my childhood at Balwyn.  Cork tiles on the floor.

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