Thursday, 27 April 2017

Tribute from the Better Family

Jenny and Nathan’s Tribute

Conversation, music, food, wine and gardens are part of our very long friendship with David.

David was our childhood friend – Nathan knew David for longer than Jenny, but for Jenny, David was her longest standing childhood friend.

We were part of David’s life when his family including his lovely Mother Margot were all around him and we were also part of his life when he was trying to overcome his deep loss after her accident.

David had to learn to stand on his own 2 feet early in life. He and the other Bloom boys were deeply concerned that the culinary standards of their home were maintained. David became a great cook and it was with Ross that he started to appreciate the freshness and quality of “home grown veggies” which again influenced the offerings that came out of his kitchen. The years in the pastry cooking stage of his life were tough, but he was determined to learn and– he finished…. David then became interested in chocolates and we were often the beneficiaries of his talent.

Throughout all, music was important to David and pianos and Mozart  were part of who he was and it was not that surprising that he trained to become a piano tuner. In his adult life this has been who he was  - musical – appreciative of a lovely instrument, a fastidious restorer and honest and forthright in his business.

MND was  beast but David won. He maintained his dignity throughout. He was interested in his life, his family, his Ross, his home, his garden, his friends and the comments of his visitors. He continued to communicate with us  - he was doggedly persistent and kept on trying despite our frustration and slow mindedness with the spelling.. he encouraged and waited for us to catch up..

It was with glee that we saw David’s deep concern for Ross…. tapping him in the leg when he, David, knew that there was a hot meal waiting for Ross – to quote David “just because I can’t eat doesn’t mean Ross should have a cold dinner” ….. even when he was ill he took his interest  and commitment to Ross’ food seriously and it made him feel better knowing Ross was having a lovely meal.

MND is difficult for the person who has it  - it is mightily difficult for the people who closely share the life of that person. Ross and David were in this together – as proven by the Commitment Ceremony that they had soon after David’s diagnosis. It was Ross who shared the intimacy of this illness with David, who did everything for him, who bore him up, and dealt with all. Ross was the person who made David’s survival for so long possible and who graciously served tea and coffee to us visitors who came for short visits and left. Ross to quote Nathan here – “you are an angel and you were so brave -David was lucky to have you”.

The world is a sadder and lonelier place without David William Bloom in it, the long chats around the kitchen table, the comments that the kids need to learn to cook, the damming of the vagaries of the bearish stock market, the old friend who knew all about our lives, the ins and the outs and the ups and the downs, the genuine interest in the things that influenced us..

David we want to think that the next world will be kinder to you and that you know that you will  always be missed.  Jenny and Nathan Better and Family -  Tamara, David Rafi and Ronit

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