Saturday, 29 April 2017

Tribute from Liz, Rhonda, Sue & Bob, Richards family

Lovely David Bloom, my friend who has been with me as I have travelled through more than half of my life. Right now, I can’t say good-bye because I am not ready... living without you now is something I can’t imagine.

Rather, today, I want you to know that I can’t thank the universe and our lives enough for
bringing us together.

I love our friendship because you let me be. You didn’t ask me to be someone or something else. You celebrated my wins, encouraged me and loved me through all of my frailties.

My wish is that you know this feeling was totally mutual and please say you feel the same.

I wish I knew that the last time I saw you would be just that. I know this is a selfish wish because it comes with some idea that I would have done things differently and talked about things that matter now. I guess I just wish I knew that, that was the time to finally let down my guard, the hard exterior I put up when your illness began that I thought would protect us both, and tell you everything I feel about us and how I just would not be me, had not been such a beautiful part of my life.

But when I left, you came out to the car and we said good-bye for the third time there. Normally there was just one good bye, maybe two if I lingered, but three – I feel blessed.

My thoughts are still in present and so David Bloom please know that you are a beautiful, meaningful and ever-shining presence in my life. You helped make me the Pussy I am now, and I will celebrate everything in my life with you and seek your encouragement and guidance through all of my days.

Love always, Pussy x


Thank you David for loving my brother
For sharing your life with him
Giving him many happy years
We will miss your quirky ways
Your generous heart
Your sense of humour
We will miss you,
If Memories are diamonds
Our lives are so much richer
For knowing you.
Forever in your hearts

Rest Peacefully, David

Love Rhonda & Dave


Hey David,
We miss you already! Your bright and zestful ways, always real always present. Your laugh, your authenticity, your attention to detail. Passionate, talented & creative.
Full of life, skill & sparkling humour. A ready ear to listen.
A true & trusted friend. We loved sharing meals with you, particularly when you cooked or instructed Ross how to cook.
We admired your courage & determination. And you met your true love Ross, devoted to each other, your love shining brightly.
Ross who helped you through your last few years with such tenderness and bringing joy & love to your darkest days. 
So glad you both celebrated our wedding with us.
Love always Susan & Bob.

David Bloom

On behalf of the Richards clan, one part of David's extended family, a  few memories:

Beth Richards found a kindred spirit in David - a love of the French language and culture, of fine food and music and with Ross, delight in their garden. Her granddaughter Kate continued the tradition with David, conversing in French when they met.

David and Ross enjoyed giving Alison and Linda, in the early days of their relationship, tips about socialising at gay friendly venues - we never did try out boot scooting which I think they suggested - our loss I'm sure! 

David and Ross's happy and long commitment to each other is an inspiration to us all - an example of a true marriage.

With love,

Alison and Linda, Kate, Zoe and Jessie
Christine and Michael
Robert and Neryl 
Jenny and Ian
Kath and Alan
and families

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